Whenever any search engine bots start crawling the web page the first thing they get hit is the URL of the page so it’s necessary that you have an optimized URL. As URL is the first thing that gives the signal to the crawler what the current page is about. Now keeping this in mind you must create a gig URL that is optimized accordingly.
How to create Fiverr gig URL?
As now you know the importance of gig URLs, the second step is to know how to create an optimized gig URL. Well, there is no rocket science behind it, in fact, you can create it very easily. The very first title of your Fiverr gig which you will save also becomes the URL of that gig. Now you can see that it’s quite an easy task to create a gig URL.
How to optimize the Fiverr gig URL?
Now I’ll tell you how you can optimize the gig URL. As you already know how we can create the URL of a gig, so for optimizing it you just have to keep in mind that instead of writing the complete gig title the first time you just need to write the keywords in the title and save it. So it’ll become part of your gig URL now you have an optimized gig URL, after which you have to make your gig title more descriptive for users as well, for which you just need to click on the edit button of the gig and write the title of your choice. Remember that you will not be able to change your gig URL again once it is created.
For Example:
If your gig is about SEO and you want to write a gig title like “I’ll do complete on-page and off-page SEO of the website for getting top google ranking”, then initially you don’t need to write this whole title in your gig title bar. Instead, you can write “do on-page and off-page SEO of the website”. Now it’ll become the part of your gig URL and also wouldn’t make it too long.
Now when a crawler crawls your gig page, it gets a clear idea that the current gig is about the selling of SEO services which will also be helpful in ranking your gig. Now you can edit your gig title again and can make it more descriptive like mentioned initially and it wouldn’t change the URL of the gig.
Can we change the old Fiverr gig URL?
Once you have created your gig URL on Fiverr then it doesn’t allow you to change that URL again so it’s necessary that you create your first URL/Title very carefully. As your first gig title also becomes the URL of that gig but after that, you can change the title again and again but the URL wouldn’t be changed. For this, you can get help by analyzing your competitors’ URLs. You must analyze your top 5 main competitors before creating your first gig title and then select those keywords which most of them are targeting in their URL.
Always try your best to choose a unique and attractive gig title that will help to rank your gig as you are not allowed to change the gig URL but you can change the gig title (I don’t recommend changing the title of rank GIG), description, packages, thumbnail, and keywords.
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