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Why am I not getting any recognition on Fiverr?

Everyone is asking about this question so If you’re not getting any recognition then surely your profile and gigs are not optimized. 

Best Fiverr Gig Ranking Factors:

There are a couple of things that need to be considered before publishing any gig which helps in ranking your gig on Fiverr. 

  • Gig URL

  • Gig Title

  • Category

  • Tags

  • Packages

  • Gig Description

  • Gig Pictures

  • First Order & Review

Fiverr Gig URL:

For optimization of Gig URL, you need to create a keyword-optimized URL. As you know when you save the title of your gig it becomes a permanent part of the URL, so you can’t change it after it is selected once. But it makes your URL too long which is not a good SEO practice. So for URL optimization, you need to choose only keyword-specific titles and after saving become part of your URL so later on you can change it as per desired Gig Title.

For example, if you wanna make gig about On Page SEO and your gig title will be “Do complete wordpress website on-page SEO” then initially you will select only “on-page SEO” in your title so by doing this your gig URL becomes “” which is optimized URL now you will return to your gig and change the title from on-page SEO to Do complete WordPress website on-page SEO.

Fiverr Gig Title:

You also need to be very careful in selecting your gig title and it must consist of relevant search queries. An SEO-optimized title will help you in getting ranking and buyers who are looking for relevant services can find you easily. The title must consist of the words which make sense and help you to increase your  CTR. For selecting gig titles you can get ideas from the top-ranking gig in your niche and then create a title familiar with them.

Fiverr Gig Category:

The gig category is also an important factor in the gig. Only selecting the right category for your gig will help you to show relevant buyer requests. For selecting the right category you also need to take help from top-ranking gigs in your services or you can select it by yourself by choosing from the suggestions given by Fiverr.

Fiverr Gig Tags:

Choosing the right tags is also very important for your gig. Tags should be created by keywords that are mentioned in your title or you can also take help from top-ranking gigs. Open the first 5 to 6 top-ranking gigs in your services area and then select commonly or most used tags from those gigs.

Gig Packages:

Always offer three packages in your gig. It helps buyers to select the most suitable as per their needs. Don’t offer a higher price initially as it is the time when you need reviews to build your profile. It will be better if your basic packages start from 5$.


Don’t copy descriptions from other sellers. You can see their description for getting ideas about it but write in your own words and it should be unique and buyer friendly. Always try to provide value and make it more attractive that is why buyers should give preference to you over other sellers. You must use your preferred keywords in the first 100 words.

Gig Pictures:

Don’t take pictures from stock sites instead make your own gig picture through PS or Canva. And don’t use too much text on your image. Always use high-quality images and don’t try to use clickbait in your images. For details, you can see visit this link for in-depth details about gig Images do’s and don’ts.

You can also download the PSD Gig template from here.

First Order & Review:

Your first order on Fiverr is very important for your career on Fiverr. Always try to get your first customer as soon as possible. Don’t go after earning at this stage instead this is the time where you need to build your reputation on this platform. So always try to get your first order ASAP and deliver beyond committed to get 5 Star reviews. Which also boosts your Fiverr profile and gig.

Social Sharing:

Social sharing also plays an important role in gig ranking so as you created your gig share it at the same time with your social content. It gives an initial boost in your gig ranking.

If you carefully consider all these things during the creation of your Fiverr Gig then your Gig must get recognition on Fiverr.


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