Whenever any search engine bots start crawling the web page the first thing they get hit is the URL of the page so it’s necessary that you have an optimized URL. As URL is the first thing that gives the signal to the crawler what the current page is about. Now keeping this in mind you must create a gig URL that is optimized accordingly. How to create Fiverr gig URL? As now you know the importance of gig URLs, the second step is to know how to create an optimized gig URL. Well, there is no rocket science behind it, in fact, you can create it very easily. The very first title of your Fiverr gig which you will save also becomes the URL of that gig. Now you can see that it’s quite an easy task to create a gig URL. How to optimize the Fiverr gig URL? Now I’ll tell you how you can optimize the gig URL. As you already know how we can create the URL of a gig, so for optimizing it you just have to keep in mind that instead of writing the complete gig title the first time you just need to ...
Of Course, you know that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. But what will be optimized? Is it design, content, or links? Yes, it will be everything that can affect your SERP ranking and there’re almost 200 factors that need to be optimized. Definition: According to Wikipedia, SEO is “the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's unpaid results” Let’s translate it into simple English. SEO is the optimization of your content for a specific keyword so that when a user puts that keyword in Google search query box your content will be shown on top. So if you're gonna publish an article you would like that it will be shown on the first page of google for that particular keyword and to attain this you have to follow the guidelines related to SEO. And fix all those factors which can affect your ranking. Thanks to Backlinko who did a great job in compiling as many as possible for them in a blog post . But first I need to get one thing st...